Sunday Scares – All Change

Posted: October 12, 2014 in Uncategorized


Hey there, horror fans.

Today was supposed to be a Director Spotlight but instead it’s just going to be a quick note.

I did a little “blog research” recently and the outcome was that, over the next few days, I’ll be looking to separate out the Sunday Scares posts completely. At the moment, all signs are pointing to a separate horror blog.

As soon as I have everything sorted, I’ll let you know and will hopefully move all existing SS posts off this blog.


Pumpkin Jack because why not?

I feel like I lost momentum with astarfellonher. By splitting these, I’m hoping to be able to refocus and bring you a more coherent blogging experience. Uhuh, that.

So, patience please. Wednesday posts will go up as normal. Oh, and if you have a suggestion for the new horror blogs name, I’d love to hear it. Comment me up, yo!

Laters xx

  1. Laura says:

    Sounds very exciting! Xx



  2. ooh, I’m excited to see where you go with this!

    What about: Horror Fell On Her
    (that’s actually terrible, but I was thinking a running theme between the two)


  3. ascarefrightenedher haha?

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