Hey there, horror fans.

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, in which case kudos to you, you can’t have missed the ever expanding world of monthly subscription boxes. They used to be centred around beauty samples but have now spread across all areas.

Want monthly treats for your pet? There’s a box for that.
Want specifically french/korean items? There’s a box for that too. Heck, there’s even a box designed to support you during your.. uh.. monthly flow.

I’ve been a subscriber to Birchbox for a while now as god knows I love to jump on a band wagon. However, I fear November’s will be my last because there’s a new player in town: Horror Block.

Created by the lovely people at Nerd Block who offer a wide variety of nerd/geek boxes for a range of age groups, there was no way I could resist the charms of this blood splattered offering. Receiving my first box on All Hallow’s Eve seems like a sign I’d be foolish to ignore.

So join me now as we delve in to the mysteries of my box.. my, uh, horror box. Aw shi-, you know what I mean. Shut up!


It arrives!


Zombie cat not included in all boxes




Front of the box...


...Back of the box.


First set of stickers..


..Second set of stickers.


Anniversary edition of Fangoria, taking a look at my favourite director & film series.


Can't wait to make this little guy!


Love this! The otheroption was Sam from Trick or Treat


A blu-ray DVD!

And finally, my favourite thing in the whole box…


How good is this tshirt? Worth the price of the box by itself!

You can order your own monthly horror box here from as little as $13.99 a month (excl. postage). November’s box is set to be Hanniball-tastic so, if you’re a fan, make sure you subscribe soon!

Do you get any monthly subscription boxes? Let me know if there are any others to check out in the comments.

Laters xx

  1. jernacc says:

    I checked this out a few days ago. In comtemplating starting either this or box of dread. Both seem to be pretty good options


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