Posts Tagged ‘Elijah Wood’


Hey there, horror fans.

This Saturday saw me have a rare day without plans and an empty house. This can only mean one thing – Horror Movie Bonanza. Netflix is the perfect tool for indulging my horror needs, even if sometimes the results are a bit.. disappointing.

Here’s what I watched.

Case 39
Director: Christian Alvart
Cast: Renee Zellweger, Ian McShane, Bradley Cooper.

Plot (from IMBD): A social worker fights to save a girl from her abusive parents, only to discover that the situation is more dangerous than she ever expected.


What Did I Think: Blah, blah, blah. Films about possessed children are ten a dozen nowadays and this one brought nothing new to the game. With two dimensional characters, I quickly got bored and read a magazine instead.

Rating: 3/10

Midnight Meat Train
Director: Ryûhei Kitamura
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Vinnie Jones, Leslie Bibb

Plot (from IMBD): A New York photographer hunts down a serial killer.


What Did I Think: First off, no. The most terrifying ride I ever took was Duelling Dragons in Universal Studios, Florida. Seriously, those rollercoasters pass within 3 feet of each other! Anyway, the film. Based on the short story by Clive Barker, this film packs a punch in the “so bad, it’s good” stakes. Some of the cgi graphics are.. interesting. The story is ok, but none of the characters are really engaging and the “twist” ending was a little predictable. All that aside, I actually really enjoyed it. I’m a sucker for “bad” horror though.

Rating: 5/10

Director: Franck Khalfoun
Cast: Elijah Wood, Nora Arnezeder

Plot (from IMBD): As he helps a young artist with her upcoming exhibition, the owner of a mannequin shop’s deadly, suppressed desires come to the surface.


What Did I Think: This was definitely my favourite of the bunch. The use of Goodbye Horses near the beginning was brilliant (and if you don’t get why, you’re watching the wrong horror films) Throughout the film, you never see Elijah Woods face directly and this was just one of the many stylized camera angles that made this film engrossing. If you’ve seen Sin City, you’ll know how creepy Wood can be. Here, he takes it up to a whole other level.

Rating: 7.5/10

Have you see any of the above? Or maybe you have a horror film suggestion for the next time I have a free day? Let me know in the comments!

Laters xx