Posts Tagged ‘manga’


Hey there, horror fans!

Hopefully, you’re all well aware by now that the internet is a dark and terrifying place.
On a human level, it’s filled with trolls and stalkers and creepers – oh my! Even more so than that, it serves as a place where the most horrifying tales that the mind can conjure up have been collected, stored and shared.

If you haven’t heard of CreepyPasta, you’re doing the internet wrong. Same goes for some of the horror threads on tumblr and reddit.

A personal favourite of mine on these sites is the short horror stories. Often no more than 2 or 3 lines, some of these have really raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

Here are some of my favourites:

“I could hear my mum calling me in to the kitchen. As I started to head down the stairs, I heard her voice whisper from her bedroom “Don’t go down there. I heard it too.”

“I was tucking my son in to bed when he whispered to me “Daddy, there’s someone under my bed. I look under the bed for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed. Staring back at me, he’s visibly shaking as he whispers “Daddy, there’s someone in my bed.”

“I just saw my reflection blink.” – yeah, try not to think of that one next time you look in the mirror at night time.

You can read more of these here.

Another thing the internet is great for is horrible, horrible comic style stories and short films.
Don’t believe me, check out this (NSFW) offering from Korea – Bongcheon Dong Ghost Story.
Or what about this. It’s quite long but is both beautiful, sad and terrifying all at the same time – The Enigma of Amigara Fault

And this short film will play on your already shredded nerves.. Lights Out

And finally, because I couldn’t possible mention Internet Horror Stories without linking to the delightful terror that is.. Slender Man. A quick Google image search is enough to give you the heebie-jeebies for days!

I’ll just leave this here…


Scream when you spot him..

Have I missed any harrowing slices of horror from this list? Let me know in the comments!

Laters xx